Asheville Mardi Gras 2024 was wonderful! We brought our mini-float gardens and new giant snail named Glisso to the streets of Southslope. The goose that laid the golden egg came back from Halloween House as Mother Goose. The gnomes showed up. We had about 40 people in our group and marched with the fab Brass Your Heart radical marching band.

The weather was warm and we dodged the rain! The crowds were big, despite that sportsball thing happening later on. We gave out 300 of our dubloons, with the cutie slug and our motto, A Little Piece of Paradise.

The mini floats were inspired by tit Rex in New Orleans, a neighborhood scale parade with a homemade esthetic. We love what you do!

Big THANKS to the Asheville Mardi Gras organizing committee for another great year!